Achieve 20% of your Net Zero Goals Instantly

Achieving Net Zero environmental and climate sustainability goals can be elusive. How will you even do it? We all know that well maintained equipment runs better and longer. But did you know that up to 20% of the energy consumed in a plant or factory is wasted, and can be saved with good maintenance practices?

Are you are still trying to figure out how to achieve those goals? If you can get 20% of that goal quickly, you will at least be off to a great start.

Take a moment to consider this. You already have a massive investment sunk into energy consuming physical assets. Replacing, or even modifying them to be more energy efficient requires a massive capital investment. So, in this time of great uncertainty., why not do something simple that can quickly achieve up to 20% of your goals with very little investment?

Industry consumes 42% of all global energy1, a figure that can be reduced by 20%2 by simply implementing current (known) best practices.

Where can YOU find these savings? Areas that waste the most energy include:

  • Parasitic frictional losses in mechanical equipment caused by:
    • Loose fasteners,
    • Misalignment between mechanical devices,
    • Imbalance of rotating equipment,
    • Contaminated lubricants,
    • Leaks,
    • Poorly designed piping systems,
    • Low combustion efficiencies,
    • Non-linear loads and harmonics in electrical systems, and
    • Motor electrical imbalance.

All can be easily managed with best practices in maintenance. Plus, there are additional benefits.

If you are experiencing high variability in production output, low output, revenues below forecasts and high costs, these indicators point to equipment, and hence maintenance, problems.

Frequent breakdowns disrupt production and cause excessive variability in output due to repair downtime and ramping up after it. Breakdowns reveal reliability problems that can be managed. Is your maintenance program effective at keeping production steady?

If your maintenance spending is average for your industry, or higher, you are spending too much. In all likelihood, that’s due to inefficiency in maintenance work management and execution. Your maintainers may also be doing some wrong or unnecessary maintenance tasks.

To investigate this further, reach out to us for an initial discussion. The opportunities may be much bigger, and the costs to realize them much lower than you expect.

Let’s explore this: click here to go ahead and book a half hour free consultation.

Or: click here to contact us.


  1.  The International Energy Agency
  2. Source: The US Department of Energy