Reliability Fundamentals Online

We have replaced our “Reliability” series with a new course: Basic Reliability Management.  More advanced courses are also coming soon.

Reliability is key to achieving high outputs, better service delivery, lower costs, safer and less risky operations. Learn how to build a reliability program for your operations. Don’t think that maintenance alone can do it for you. They just can’t. You need so much more.

  • Basic definitions of common reliability terminology
  • How reliability helps your business
  • The steps to developing a reliability program
  • Introduction to the Uptime Reliability Program
  • Your next steps to initiating a reliability program in your company

This Basic Reliability Management course will provide an understanding of the basics of reliability, the various components of a successful reliability program, how to build and manage it. This is intended for those who are responsible for reliability in their operational environments, the maintenance engineers, reliability engineers, their supervisors, and their managers.

We introduce some basic reliability mathematical concepts but do not go deeply into those here. It is not necessary to be an expert with math to manage the program. For a deeper dive into the math, our advanced reliability course is recommended.

This course uses our text, “Basic Reliability Management” as a reference.

1.1 CEUs earned upon successful completion.
