Maintenance Spare Parts

Solving MRO problems

Excessive inventory?

Parts not there when you need them?

MRO problems are complex. They involve more than just stores. Inventory management, procurement, and maintenance planning are all involved. Information isn’t shared effectively and your problem solvers in maintenance often make the problem even worse. 

We have one of Canada’s leading MRO Supply Chain consultants on our team, and extensive experience in maintenance/supply chain problem-solving. We have also teamed with MRO Analytics of the UK to help us with the tools needed for optimization.
  • Do you have trouble with spare parts availability when you need it?
  • Do you receive the wrong parts from stores, even though you ordered the right ones?
  • Do you have too much inventory and low turnover?
  • Do you have too much slow (or no) moving inventory on hand?
  • Are your stores’ personnel asking you to review lists of what they see as obsolete parts?
  • Do your maintainers have their own stashes of parts and materials (a.k.a. Magpie, Squirrel, or Shadow Inventory)?
  • Do your maintainers refuse to give up those stashes?
Our team focuses on processes, interfaces between processes, behaviors and software tools. Spares should be identified, and quantities calculated for stock with an eye on risk to the business.
Arbitrary min/max levels, guesses at lead time and focusing on part costs instead of quality all create problems. 
Here are a few white papers dealing with MRO spares from one of our team members – click here.