Conscious Asset works with clients in many varied industries, across the world.
We have specific expertise in mining, oil & gas, manufacturing, transportation, and utilities. Other sectors include; aerospace, brewing, building materials, chemical process industries, and consumer packaged goods.
We are proud to have worked with the following clients:
- Agrium – (Nutrien)
- Alectra (formerly PowerStream)
- Alpac
- AngloAmerican
- ArcelorMittal
- Arauco (Chile)
- Atco Electric
- Barrick Gold
- BC Ferries
- Boston Consulting Group
- Botswana Power Corporation
- Cameco
- Canadian Coast Guard
- Canadian Tire
- Canbra Foods (Richardson Oilseed)
- CF Industries
- Chevron Inc.
- Chevron Shipping Co. LLC
- City of Barrie, Environmental Facilities
- City of Brantford
- DeBeers Canada, Victor Mine
- Debswana Diamond Company
- Domtar, Ashdown Arkansas
- Earth Tech (Swan Hills Treatment Centre)
- EMA Canada Inc.
- Encana
- EY Canada
- GEI Consultants
- GM BluePlan (Engineering)
- Halton Region (Municipal)
- Hiram Walker (distillery)
- Hood Packaging
- Hudbay Minerals
- Husky Upgrader
- Hydro One
- Hydro Ottawa Ltd
- IPS Integrated Project Services
- I/N Kote
- I/N Tek
- Iron Ore Company of Canada (Rio Tinto)
- IWK Health Centre
- Lundin Mining
- McRae Integration Ltd
- McCain Foods
- Metrolinx
- Metsco
- Morupule Coal Mine
- Newmont Mining
- Nova Scotia Power (Emera)
- Nutrien
- Ontario Northland Transportation
- Orano
- Owens Corning
- PdM Tech USA
- Pembina Pipeline
- Pennell Consulting
- Piramal Pharma Solutions
- PlusPetrol
- Port Hawkesbury Paper
- Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan (Nutrien)
- PowerStream (Alectra)
- Providence Health Care
- Purolator (Courier)
- Rahbaran Rastak
- Raytheon
- Rio Tinto (Iron Ore Company of Canada)
- Saskatoon Light and Power
- Seven Generations Energy
- SKF Canada Inc.
- Sherritt Coal (now Westmoreland)
- Sherritt International
- SNC Lavalin Inc.
- Spectra Energy (now Enbridge)
- Suncor Oil Sands
- Superior Gold (Billabong)
- Syncrude
- Toronto Hydro
- TTC – Toronto Transit Commission
- TI Automotive
- University of Toronto
- West Fraser
- Minera Yanacocha