Reliability Consulting
Assessment, Improvement, Consulting.
Reliability consulting helps you achieve the inherent capability of your physical assets to perform at peak.
Reliability management is all about minimizing the frequency of unwanted downtime incidents. Those incidents (failures) have consequences to your business including downtime, loss of revenue, increased costs for repairs, and sometimes increased risks to safety, and your environmental performance. High reliability lowers your risks to business continuity.
Reliability comes from thoughtfully creating a proactive maintenance program and then following it with diligence.
Click here for an interview with Mobius Institute
Many failures can be avoided, predicted, or detected before they lead to undesirable consequences. Some can be tolerated, many can’t. Knowing which is which really matters. It is key to determining if action is warranted.
If you know how they occur, you can determine appropriate strategies to deal with them and minimize consequences.
Doing nothing – waiting for failures, then fixing them, is the most expensive and disruptive approach. Following manufacturers’ recommendations sounds good, but usually leads to costly overkill and can even lead to more failures. Inspecting and fixing what you find is seems right to many mechanics, but it is disruptive, expensive, and usually results in more more work than it avoids.
Investment in developing the right maintenance program is far less expensive and produces far better results than the above alternatives. ROI exceeding 100% in the first year is not hard to achieve.
Reliability is built in. Are you achieving it?
- Rapid Reliability Assessment
- Operational Readiness
- Road map to high performance
- Preliminary Assessment of Reliability Maturity
- Reliability improvements
- Root Cause Failure Analysis
- Proactive Maintenance Optimization
- Reliability Centered Maintenance
- Training, Facilitation, Coaching & Certification
- Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM-R)
- Root Cause Failure Analysis
- Basic Reliability Management
- Condition Based Maintenance
Operational Readiness refers to the preparations necessary to ensure your project (system, equipment) can start up and run reliably in service. It entails having operations and maintenance personnel available and trained for the asset, operating procedures and needed documentation defined and ready for use, the right maintenance defined and planned, special tools or other maintenance support infrastructure ready, supporting spare parts and materials available.
Being ready for operations will cost 3 to 5% of the capital cost for a new project. Annual operating cost savings will be approximately the same as your initial investment (100% ROI) and achievement of designed reliability will usually result in revenue gains that are multiples of the costs saved.
Request for Information: Operational Readiness
Root Cause Failure Analysis deals with failures that have already happened and caused serious consequences to our business. We use it after the fact, to identify the cause of failures so that we can take steps to avoid the problem in future.
Proactive Maintenance Optimization is used to make sure an existing maintenance program is addressing likely failures with the right approaches. We eliminate “over maintaining” which often arises if manufacturers’ recommendations are followed. We adjust task frequencies to better match your operational conditions.
Reliability Centered Maintenance is used to identify failure management strategies. We produce preventive, predictive, and detective maintenance tasks, operator activities, procedural and training changes, documentation and design changes. With RCM we also know when it is best to do nothing and allow the asset to run to failure.
We offer training in performing these analyses, training for your own facilitators, we can facilitate for you, and we provide a complete assessment of your reliability efforts / program.