Today’s Gremlin: I don’t trust myself

Today's Gremlin: I don't trust myself

Today’s Gremlin: I don’t trust myself, is a massive barrier to progress. Have you ever doubted and second-guessed yourself. Even when you are smart and well-informed you hold back.

Why aren’t your experts getting results?

Your experts are good with technology, but like engineers, some things just don’t make sense to them. In some areas of life, and managing change is one of them, they just don’t get it without a lot of study. Here’s a funny video that shows how the logical brain of an engineer can get in his own way.

When it comes to making the logical improvements in your business, your engineers have the answers, but their linear thinking and approach just can’t get the results you want. They are missing something. They are being held back by today’s gremlin: I don’t trust myself. There’s no one to help them gain and boost their confidence. Without that guidance, mentor, and sounding board, they are fearful that they’ll make mistakes.


Since just before Covid-19 and throughout it, companies lost a lot of talent. Baby boomers were at retirement age and they departed on-masse. With them went corporate memory, experience and their confidence at making decisions. That confidence is a result of believing you are right and not being afraid to make decisions. Confidence is earned, not bestowed. Like your workers today, they were smart in their own ways, but they had years of making decisions, acting on them, and (very importantly) seeing what worked and what didn’t. Your smart, tech-savvy work force today, doesn’t have that.

Trusting big bad data?

One thing that isn’t taught in college is that data usually sucks. It can be very misleading and highly subject to interpretation. Without experience, that interpretation can be way off. Here’s another funny video that shows how data (especially big data) can be mis-interpreted.

Experience + Data + Smarts?

Those three can lead to more confidence and better decisions because they add up to insight. It takes a long time to develop that. But even if you have that, you can still fall short on results.


You also need a bit of hard to find “magic”. A rare few of us have natural talent to lead changes – most do not. It’s the sort of ability that distinguishes the virtuoso violinist from a good violinist. If you want results, you’ll also need a bit of that magic. Talk to me to find out more.

