Uptime for Executives – Video 1

This is #1 in our series of 12 videos on “Uptime for Executives”, inspired by the need for top executives to be engaged when attempting to improve reliability and maintenance practices – there’s far more to it than meets the eye.

Performance improvement in large industrial organizations is a real challenge to achieve, yet the benefits can be huge. In maintenance, cost savings up to 20% are possible. Spare parts inventory savings of 30% are possible. Up to 60% of an existing Proactive Maintenance program can be shown to be doing more harm than good.

Despite all that incentive, companies often fail to achieve anywhere near those benefits. The single most significant underlying cause of that outcome is leadership. You can get a sense of the book in this series of videos, or you can learn more in the book itself. 

Uptime for Executives” is now available in e-book format in: English, langue française / French, lengua española / Spanish. It should take you no more than an hour to read! The value of that investment – priceless.
