Management Insights
Do you have a reliability department?
Do you have a reliability department, a maintenance department, or a repair department? Do you...
Are condition assessments needed?
A well-designed maintenance program should eliminate the need to do condition assessments. These assessments are a form of condition monitoring, so why not include them in your proactive maintenance (PM) program?
Surviving the recovery – part 3
Improving your maintenance program, as mundane as it may sound, can produce very high returns for very little investment.
Surviving the recovery – Part 2
In normal times, companies run hard to produce as much as they can to maximize sales and margins. Along the way, equipment breaks down. They suffer delays and lose valuable production time.
Surviving the recovery – part 1
Are you ready to ramp back up after your Covid-19 slowdown? Part 1 - Did you fall into the...
Look before you leap – part 3
With IIoT, AI, ML and digital transformation you can leap before you look. Some are doing that already. Some may even be getting encouraging results. Be more strategic and investigate first. That investigation isn’t just into the tech, as many are doing today. Look at your processes, problems, people, what can they do, not do, take on, etc. Get it right on paper before attempting to computerize and automate.
Look before you leap – part 2
Implementation is key. There is the initial investment (the hardware and software). Then you invest in implementation (you need to set it up to do what you want it to do). Then you need the training to learn how to make it work those wonders you were promised. You can then “go live” and start using it to get value. Finally, but by no means lastly, you must keep using it correctly, or you won’t continue to get value.
Look before you leap – part 1
Digital transformation, using the Industrial Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning combined, to create a huge potential for our businesses.
Asset Performance Management – Industry 4.0
Asset Performance management is a vast expansion on the highly successful concepts of Condition Monitoring and Condition Based Maintenance.
Health care for your plant and equipment – the benefit of being proactive
Proactive maintenance is good for business. We monitor our own health so that we can live longer and better, minimizing the consequences of when we eventually die. We can do the same for our plants, systems, and equipment.
Are you informed, or data distracted? You need AIM
Asset Information Management ensures the delivery of maximum value to your business. Decisions informed by timely, accurate, and complete evidence (information) are what propel achievement. Learn what we do wrong so often and what we can do about it.
Proactive maintenance is more Covid, how “covid” is yours?
You have saved maintenance and parts costs during the Covid-19 pandemic. Your maintenance work is now focused largely on fixing breakdowns. Very soon your costs will rise and you will need those laid-off workers back. You will now be digging yourself out of a big hole! Our online tool can help.