Executive Advisory

Your trusted advisor
Observation, insight and advice without the management filters

As the corporate sponsor, you have a strategic mandate.

You need unfiltered and accurate information for the best decisions.

You can’t be on the front lines and reports that come up through the organization can be misleading. Like the childhood game of telegraph, reports and messages get distorted at each level.

Management goals are tactical, yours are strategic. You naturally see things differently and you need a strategic take on what’s going on. We provide that.

Achieving results, requires alignment between your strategic goals and what happens on the ground. 

  • You are a leader – you rock the boat
  • Big improvements entail more risk (or a perception of greater risk)
  • You want to move quickly
  • Managers are naturally risk averse and more inclined to slow, incremental changes
  • Managers may be afraid of failure
  • Managers may be limited by their own experience (or lack of it) at making changes happen
  • Managers usually perceive slow and steady progress as good, but you may want it faster
  • We have a lot of experience at this, and we will advise where prudence and caution are needed, and where action can be more bold

Allow us to become your trusted advisor 

There are substantial benefits to be had, and that takes doing things very differently. All of you will experience discomfort as we get farther from established practices and into new territory. 

You and most (maybe all) of your managers are not expert in this field, nor at  large scale transformations.

We help you understand what’s going on, why, and what can be done about it. We know what has worked elsewhere, and what hasn’t. We save you a lot of trial-and-error learning with costly mistakes. Our advice  is based on over 40 years of experience in the field and in facilitating change.

This advisory service is an integral part of our Conscious Asset Model.