Remote Supply Chain Analysis

Your hidden gold.

The Problem.

Large volumes of data are being gathered via work orders, inventory counts, and generally held in ERP systems, yet none of this data is being used effectively to identify and resolve costly problems. The data may need to be cleansed, but largely it sits unused or unaccounted for as many companies do not have the personnel capable of finding and cleansing the data and then analyzing it. Many companies simply do not have the supply chain personnel required, or they haven’t been trained to maximize the results. Here are some of the problems you might be struggling with:

Data analysis can be done anywhere with a computer and connections to receive and transmit. While your operations are shut down or slowed down due to the current global health crisis, we can examine your data and carry out analysis, identify problems for resolution, help you increase reliability and its needed materials support when you get back up to full capacity. We can also identify data problems for future resolution.

  • Chronic (repetitive) rush orders or inventory shorts.
    • Major problems are easy to spot and get all the attention without the use of your data, but there are many small issues that can lead to rush orders and inventory shorts
  • Chronic excess inventory leading to extensive write-offs and write-downs
    • When inventory is eating into cash flow or taking up room on a balance sheet, companies often issue spending caps, which can further hinder the business, rather than address the actual problem
  • Lack of visibility
    • Many companies are unaware of where their raw materials come from, and then unaware of how long specific processes take in their production cycle. Bottlenecks have resources tossed at them without a root cause analysis being done.

What can we do with that data?
We have experienced supply chain experts who are familiar with supply chain data and its data quality problems. We’ve learned through experience how to deal with those problems and get answers in the short term, isn’t “get better data”. We have learned to work with what we are given and still get results.

If you have good data
Good data can generally be used right away in problem identification and solving. We have access to our own data and experience that can be a big help in “filling in the blanks” when it comes to unknowns arising from some of those records and financial ratios.

We can analyze your data and use our database to help in identifying the sort of problems you might have. Some will be easy to spot if the data is of good quality.

If the data is of poor quality
Poor data need not be as big a problem as you might expect. Even with flawed data our experienced eyes can still spot many common problems with your inventory and supply chain practices, and with the data itself. We follow it up with basic questionnaires targeted at the problems we’ve spotted. No matter how unique your environment may be, the process you use doesn’t know the difference. We can get a good idea of your situation even if your data is incomplete.

Click here for a case study example.