Uptime (Reliability & Maintenance)

Assessment, Strategic Road-mapping and Planning, Transformation

We literally wrote the books on Maintenance and Reliability Management!

What we gain by maintaining our physical assets diligently is Uptime. If you want to achieve high performance from your physical assets, then talk to us. We don’t impose rigid “best practices” –  you can always find a way to do better! We teach and help you use proven “successful practices” and tailor them to suit your situation.

We balance our approach to achieve both high efficiency (lower costs) and effectiveness (programs the produce high performance).

We are the Subject Matter Experts. This field is highly specialized and most consultants don’t fully understand it. When those consultants need help, they call us. 

Reliability is the goal - maintenance is the method

Maintenance executes your reliability program and repairs what you allow to break down. Our “Uptime” successful practices increase technician wrench time and productivity while working safely and with the resources needed to do the job right, the first time, and every time.

Reliability depends on doing the right maintenance the right way.

  • Inefficient maintenance program execution increases your costs
  • Ineffective maintenance programs increase costs, lower revenues, and increase risks

The “Uptime Pyramid of Excellence” is the de-facto standard for how to manage maintenance and reliability, worldwide. It originated in our book, “Uptime -Strategies for Excellence in Maintenance Management” (1995, 2006, 2015). Its objective is simple: high asset performance leads to greater profitability, enhanced safety, and environmental performance.

“Uptime” is our framework. Each of its 10 inter-dependent components add value, and the effect is enhanced when you have them working together. Your operation is unique and we help you choose an optimal path to put in place the practices that do the most good for your business.

The (free) Maintenance and Reliability Maturity Assessment will show how well you are doing and whether it is worth taking a deeper look.

Take our “Uptime” training. It will help you realize just what you don’t know today about maintenance and reliability. Then, use the “Uptime Self-Assessment” tool to determine just how you rate when compared against world-leading practices and performance.

The “Business Case Estimator” (for a single operating site) can be used to see just what dollar value of improvements could be at your operation. Find out the cost savings and added revenue possibilities. Be prepared for a very nice surprise. 

Do you want a third party assessment? Our “Uptime (rapid) Value Assessment” is a key part of our “Conscious Asset Model.” We identify opportunities, quick wins, and what making the improvements will be worth to your organization.

Our “Conscious Asset Model” also includes implementation support at both the strategic (executive) and tactical (management) levels. 

We invite you to speak with our Subject Matter Experts. Tell us your situation and we will get back to you, or book an initial consultation right now.