I need efficiency in my operations to deal with the uncertainties of this chaotic business environment. How?
Efficiency means getting things done with the least hassle and cost. That entails eliminating the waste, at all levels, and in all our processes. It involves dealing with risks rather than fearing them.
It’s a chaotic landscape out there and “in here”
We live in chaotic times, and there’s a lot to consider. Geo-political uncertainty is wreaking havoc in our markets and supply chains. High consumer prices have dampened demand. Supplier pricing is high. Technology continues to promise a rosy future and fails to deliver, yet our employees are scared – their jobs may be at risk. They need answer too. Demands for sustainability, burdensome regulations, political and social correctness, market and employee values are all at odds with past practices.
Internally, we are battling with shareholder demands, a skills gap, inexperience, uncertainty with delivery dates, random machinery breakdowns, high costs and they are struggling to meet committed deliveries.
We need order – I need efficiency
To tame the chaos we need order. Order comes from greater certainty – which we don’t control, and from Efficiency, which we do control. I’m the leader and I need to look at our problems with fresh eyes and come up with new ideas.
After losing many experienced workers, and hiring knowledgeable but inexperienced workers, we must now develop new leaders. Consequently, we must demonstrate that “better” is possible and there are answers for the challenges we have. It’s time to show them a way out of this mess to create order from the chaos.
We’ve dealt with your problems before. It is time for a bold move, not tiny steps. Let’s talk.