Executive Insights
Executive Insights tell you about results and what we did.
Executive insights give you just that – information that helps you know that your team is managing the company’s productive assets so they perform reliably. You need to know:
- Why they are not achieving your objectives
- That you are getting the full picture accurately
- If those assets can deliver more than they are today
- That your team is doing all that can be done
- When it is time to call for outside expertise
These insights share from our deep experience. Many describe situations we’ve seen, that may be plaguing you and costing your organization some big bucks.
You can also view our “Management Insights“, or ask us a question. We will be happy to respond.
How older assets keep on getting better!
As an asset or facility ages beyond its original ROI time horizon, it deteriorates naturally with...
Save 20 % of your maintenance costs
Saving 20% of your maintenance costs is achievable in many operations. Are you running your...
Outsourcing maintenance – the timing is ripe
Operations might fear a loss of control, finance might see potential for cost savings, and...
Crystal ball – next generation maintenance
This article was published in MRO Magazine's Winter 2023 edition. There are some interesting views...
Getting results – change can be a rocky road
To get different results of any kind, we need to make changes. As human beings we are very good at...
Greening Maintenance
This link takes you to an article recently published in MRO Magazine containing input from our...
Reports are just too good to be true
Monthly reports show that asset performance is good - availability is high, but output, is...
Health care for your plant and equipment – the benefit of being proactive
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” This axiom arose when Benjamin Franklin was...
Pay $3k to keep out of trouble, or more to get out of jail
Pay $3k now to keep out of trouble or more to get out of jail later. Your plant asset performance...