Saving 20% of your maintenance costs is achievable in many operations. Are you running your production equipment to failure? Is your maintenance spending consistently higher than you budget allows? Are you frustrated that breakdowns cause delays in delivery schedules? If you answer “yes” to any of those questions, then savings and production gains are possible. The 20% figure is arbitrary but truly indicative of what is possible. Reliable production equipment is far cheaper to maintain simply because it is reliable, but it must be maintained. It requires the right maintenance being done the right way, and at the right times. Get that right and you save operating costs, AND you gain productive uptime with its attendant revenue.
Look at our case studies (click here) to see what has been achieved by others.
If you are hearing arguments (really excuses) for under-performance, then you need a second opinion from a recognized expert. Our “Uptime Rapid Value Assessment” may be just what you need to start that improvement effort. But first, let’s talk about your situation to determine whether or not this is a path worthy of your effort. You can book an initial consultation (click here) and speak with our subject matter expert.
You won’t be booking a sale call here – we will address your specific concern and even offer solutions if appropriate. For certain, you will get a sense of who you could be dealing with and whether or not, we’d be a good fit.