Business Case Estimator Tool

Obtain estimates of cost savings, revenue and profitability gains using this online estimator.
Uptime – Business Case

This tool uses a form of rules based artificial intelligence to interpret your responses to our M&R Maturity Assessment (the top part of this tool), combine them with your business inputs (from operations and finance) and make forecasts using our benchmark performance standards that are built into the back end of this estimator. In addition to obtaining estimates of savings and gain potentials, you will get a high level perspective on just where your main targets for improvement in M&R will be.

Use of this tool can be combined with the results of your “Uptime Self-Assessment” to get an even more refined idea of where improvements are needed.

Results of these tools are for guidance and do not guarantee your outcomes. If you want help in interpreting the results and plotting a course of action, then please speak to us about a consultation. We do not keep your results, however, you can download them for your own use. You can also upload them if you wish to give us access for purposes of a consultation.


This tool requires inputs from your reliability and maintenance personnel, operations personnel and finance. The first part is the same as our free “Maintenance and Reliability Maturity Assessment” tool. Please pay special attention to the definitions used for those entries. If your existing data doesn’t fit the definitions provided, then it will need to be adjusted to fit, or you may get misleading results.


To see the whole assessment and results, you will need to scroll down.

In top part of the Estimator enter your Maintenance and Reliability scores. Answer the questions with a rating from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. “0” zero is the lower end of the scale, 4 is the top of the scale. Definitions you should pay attention to are in the yellow blocks. If your data doesn’t fit the definition, then your results could be misleading. You may need to make adjustments to your data to reflect what we are asking for. Note that precision isn’t critical as the answers are generally in the form of ranges, from x to y. So long as you are confident that your response is within the range chosen, your estimate should be reasonable.

Below the top part, the M&R Evaluation you will find your positioning plotted on a scale of efficiency vs effectiveness. The closer you are to the green upper right corner, the better your performance is, and the lower your business case value will be. The closer to the red that you are, the greater the business case for improvement, and the greater your improvement journey will be.

Below that, in a blue shaded area for input of various operational and financial parameters. You will need inputs from your leaders in maintenance, operations, and finance to complete that data entry. You have the option in several cases of inputting a number, or accepting a default entry. Defaults are shown in orange to the left of the blue shaded area. If your input is logical there will be a note saying “input ok” in a green field to the right. If you have overridden a default it will say so.

The estimate calculations are done on another worksheet that is hidden and protected. Below that area you will see the calculated results of your estimate. Below that you will also find a brief statement evaluating your situation based on your inputs. The results there are outputs from a rules-based artificial intelligence routine that looks at the inputs as a whole, compares with a set of rules provided our subject matter experts and provides a judgement. If you believe it is wrong, you might want to check your inputs.

We would be happy to discuss scoring and your situation at any time, if you wish to book a consultation.

You can save the questionnaire and your scores by clicking on the save icon at the bottom. A saved copy would be helpful to you in getting co-workers’ inputs and revised scoring to reflect more than only one opinion. As a rule, the more who participate, the more accurately the assessment in the top part of the estimator will reflect your situation.

The spreadsheet is “protected” so you can manipulate only certain cells.

Conscious Asset does NOT save your data.
We would be delighted to speak with you about your results: Let’s talk – Contact us.

If you would like a consultation, then you can upload your results, your “Uptime Self Assessment” results if you have them, and other documentation for our review before that consultation.



Select Reading

Articles of interest to executive-level leadership – those with P&L decision-making responsibility.

Of interest to managerial levels, such as departmental managers, directors in maintenance, asset management and reliability, corporate-level R&M leaders.