Management Insights

What does your boss want?


Your boss is likely an executive. They usually don’t want a lot of detail. They want results. They want to know that they can trust you to deliver those results. If they are looking for solutions you want the answers.


These insights come from executive and senior management concerns about asset maintenance and reliability arising from questions we’ve been asked.


We have over 50 topics for this list. You may have a concern that’s on that list but not yet published. If so, then let us know. We will answer it as a priority.

Congreso Héroes del Mantenimiento 2024

James Reyes-Picknell, presidente de Conscious Asset y Jim Fitch, director ejecutivo de Noria Corporation, discuten sobre tecnología, gestión de riesgos y sostenibilidad desde la perspectiva de quienes se ocupan del mantenimiento y la confiabilidad.

“Our World,” a book for your children

A children’s book! “Our World” is intended to spark curiosity In children about the world around them. It asks questions like, where does the water in my shower come from, how does the electricity in my light bulb get there, and many more.

Inspect and repair as required – myths and reality

“Inspect and repair as required” are well intentioned but make up what is usually an ill-informed instruction to maintenance workers. On 10 April 2024, our Principal Consultant, James Reyes-Picknell, delivered a 1 hour “lunch and learn” webinar for PEMAC – Canada’s Asset Management Association. The subject is inspired by the words often seen in work orders that often lead to a whole lot of unnecessary misery.
