
Myth Busting 8: Who should schedule work

This myth is about who should schedule work. There are three roles involved here: planners who plan the jobs, supervisors who supervise their crews and schedulers who create the work schedule. Planning, as stated before, is all about what work gets done and how. Scheduling is about when the work …

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Myth Busting 7: Planning meetings

don’t, and others are unsure and many haven’t even thought about it. Which are you?

This myth, planning meetings are for planning, is based on a misuse/misunderstanding of correct planning and scheduling terminology. Planning meetings are normally run by your planner, but they are not, or shouldn’t be, about planning. They are about …

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Myth Busting 6: Planning by trades

This myth, planning should be done by the trades, has a big impact on common practice, but when you talk to those who do it, they’ll often agree that planners are needed. That is an apparent contradiction and it arises due to sloppy use of terminology in the maintenance world. Many companies have heard that planners should be skilled trades and misinterpret that to mean …

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Myth Busting 5: It Won’t Work Here

In my role as a consultant, I get asked a lot of questions and asked for a help. Sometimes the “ask” comes from senior management, sometimes middle-level management and sometimes even from the shop floor. People and companies need help to achieve more than they are today. Performance is already known and often less than desired. Change is needed and that means new ideas. After all, if they had the ideas themselves, they may have tried something …

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Myth Busting 4: No Room To Improve

This particular myth is not overly common, but it still occurs, usually in the minds of people who are really good a fooling themselves. It becomes more common when it is modified to say, “…running as well as it ever has”.
There are two parts to this one:…

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Myth Busting 3: Master or Partner

Who really is our customer? Does your organization have a master: partner supplier relationship or a partnership relationship?
Consider that a customer regularly buys our goods or services. For operations/production to be our customer, then they would be paying maintenance for its service. Do they? In some organizations, this may be the case, but id it in yours?
More than likely, you need to

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