Uptime for Executives – Video 6

This is the 6th in our series of 12 “Uptime for Executives” videos, giving an overview of each part of the book, piece by piece. Video 5 describes an all too typical “bad day” – if any of that seemed familiar, then you probably need to take action. This video describes what has gone wrong and some of the actions that are needed. Neither of these two videos provides a comprehensive view of all that could be going wrong, but they do address a few of the most common problems we see.

Action can result in savings of 20% or more of your maintenance costs, spare parts inventory reductions of up to 30%, and up to 60% of your proactive maintenance (and its downtime) eliminated. Each 1% of added plant availability (at your bottleneck) increases revenues by 1%. It’s not easy to quantify in a general sense, but better maintained plant and equipment will last longer, deferring future capital investment and increasing the return on assets you achieve.

All of that is doable with the right approach – learn how.

Uptime for Executives” is now available in e-book format in: English, langue française / French, lengua española / Spanish. It will take an hour to read and the payback could be priceless.