Uptime for Executives – Video 7

This is the 7th in our series of 12 “Uptime for Executives” videos. This series provides an overview of the book, piece by piece. Video 5 described an all too typical “bad day”, video 6, spoke to some of the problems that require correction, and in this video we answer – “can we fix this?” Spoiler alert – “yes”, but it’s unlikely that you will!

Taking action can result in savings of 20% or more of your maintenance costs, spare parts inventory reductions of up to 30%, and up to 60% of your proactive maintenance (and its downtime) eliminated. Each 1% of added plant availability increases revenues by 1%. Better maintained plant and equipment lasts longer, deferring future capital investment. What’s not to like about all that?

Achieving it isn’t rocket science, yet few seem capable of making it happen. Learn why.

Uptime for Executives” is now available in e-book format in: English, langue française / French, lengua española / Spanish. Print versions are on their way soon. It will take an hour to read and the payback could be priceless.